2022 Ideas

Should we reschedule Reflections 2021 for January, February or March of 2022?  

If we reschedule does that mean that we don't have the show again in October? 

Can we do both? Should we do both? 

Are we better to focus on ways to draw in more entries? (see ideas below)

1.) We have already missed 2 shows - missing everyone!

1.) This would involve a lot of work planning with a relatively small planning committee so is probably not a realistic possibility.
2.)  Many sponsors and grants would only be available once each year.
3.)  People are accustomed to having our show in October - a show in February may simply cause confusion
4.) We only have a limited number of volunteers who may not be able to work on two shows without burning out.

1.) We might still have access to some of the grants and sponsorships already approved for Oct 2021

1.) Pandemic numbers will quite possibly still be high
2.) Vaccine passports will probably still be required by the government and masks will still be required
3.) It is unknown what additional government restrictions will be implemented.
4.) For economic reasons, we would be booking Hall E. It is currently in use as a vaccination clinic - will that be over in February when people may need boosters? Or will we be switching halls again? 
5.)  Winter weather is unpredictable for everyone, but especially for travellers
6.)  It will be challenging to move everything in from the parking lot when having to fight with the snow, ice and COLD
7.)  The trailers will be hard to get at in the winter - would require having a path ploughed out to get to them. 

1.) We already have Hall E booked for October 21 - 23
2.) Since the public and the artists are already expecting to having the show in October this would maintain consistency and avoid confusion
3.) We can build on the plans made for 2021
4.) Better for volunteers if we only have one show
5.) Everyone has time to produce more art to enter into the show

1.) We have to reapply for grants and sponsorships


1.) ARTIST TRADING CARDS ...... We could select 3 or 4 dates to mail in trading cards - photographic - paintings - collages. Possibly judge what is sent? Maybe via the website for People's Choice? Keep them for the show where they will be displayed and randomly traded amongst the participants at the end of the show. We did not charge in the past - should we charge for any new entries? How much? Or do we look for a sponsor for the trading card display?

2.) WORKSHOPS ...... We could host some workshops once covid settles down enough to do so. Offer a special discount for members. Encourage the participants to enter the resulting pieces into Reflections by using a $2 off coupon (only for that one piece). Could we extend this offer to the Alberta or Manitoba carving clubs? Could we also offer any of our members who conduct a workshop this $2 off coupon to encourage their students to come to Reflections? 

3.) GET TOGETHER - once this world is less crazy and we can do so safely - let's get together and focus on doing the miniatures and cocktail carvings. We could post some of the works on the website to try to encourage participation.

4.) PHOTOGRAPHY OUTINGS - We could encourage members to network by planning some photography workshops and/or opportunities - night time photography - Beaver Creek - Redberry Lake. Again, if it is a workshop, offer a membership deal. And again - offer participants a $2 off coupon to enter one of the resulting photos into Reflections. Should we extend this $2 off coupon to the Camera Club to encourage them to enter Reflections? Or if any of our members host a workshop could we have them distribute $2 off coupons? We need to find more ways to get more people entering our show! 

5.) PHOTOGRAPHY CHALLENGES - We could choose a theme and pick 3 or 4 dates for people to send in photographs. Perhaps just a digital image then we give them a coupon to enter Reflections? Could pick a people's choice winner? Could be pets - birds - domestic animals - flowers ....... 

A suggestion from a member is to reclassify some of the Jr Photography - which could also apply to Painting & Drawing and Carving ... 
"What I was thinking is that perhaps in the junior photography we could add a class like in the novice, intermediate and open categories. My idea is to have a class for Photos of Mammals and then another class for birds and then another for landscapes. It has to be difficult to judge a scenery picture versus a bird/animal picture and it should give perhaps more interest in the Junior Photography. The way it is now is the entrant is competing against themselves if they enter more than one photo."

An offer from one of our Painting & Drawing judges:
"If you think it would be helpful, I am willing to offer positive learning feedback/critique to those who wish to submit their photos of their work to me.  I would also need to know their background/experience.  This could be done on a Zoom platform.  I would limit to 10 to 12 artists."
We could also do this for photography, but not sure if it would work for carving. 

We did get a start on a colouring book - let's work on that! 

This is just a beginning collection of ideas to promote both our association and the show while encouraging networking with other groups at the same time. Hopefully the ideas will get others thinking - let's work on tweaking what we have and/or any new ideas that are generated as a result. Do we charge to enter any of the challenges? We absolutely need to focus on ways to encourage participation in the show!

Many of our long time members may be able to remember the successes from the past that got people excited about our association and our show. Please share! 

Are we better focussing on this type of thing rather than trying to have a second show? 

Please comment below and put your name in the comment if choosing the "anonymous" option - ex: Beth C. - so that we know who is commenting. On my system I type my comment in the comment box - Select who you want to publish as (I can put in Beth C) - then hit "Publish". Then click the checkbox to say that you are not a robot. Scroll down, then hit "Publish" a second time. Sorry - this doesn't seem to be an easy process. 

If this does not work for you send your comment to me via email and I will ensure it is published here. (campbell.beth@gmail.com) 


  1. I think we should focus on fall 2022. Even though I haven't been to as many meetings this year it seems even if reflections was still on it doesn't seem like we had things planned out. No offence to Harvey I think it seems like this every year so more time is probably a good thing.
    Another thought is to increase piece submission costs. For one this will increase the quality of pieces submitted which attracts art buyers. This will also increase our budget and possibly will allow us to require a smaller venue which will also increase budget. I think this will make the show more prestigious and maybe attract more art collectors.
    As an aside we could still allow a lower entry fee to just show pieces with no judging if that's a concern.
    I also think we should only have categories if there's prizes. Ribbons are great but people submit things to contests that have prizes.
    Just some random thoughts.
    We always try and fill the space but maybe the thing is the space is too large for what the show currently is.

  2. Idea: do a pop up show fo promote the fall event.
    Open an Instagram account
    Draw young families with an activity for little kids like a puppet show and paper eco friendly crafts. Do something for Earth Day?
    Show some work in a mall or something small scale….you need to find more ways to promote and get it out there. Put the colorjng book in a local nature park visiting centre, hook up with other organizations like the zoo, a nature rescue or something…promote at the zoo?.
    Create a future based theme. Make this more than just people painting animals. Add more purpose. This is what younger folks want, to do things that feel like they are capable of making a difference. I realize most demographics at the show aren’t my age, but reality is to keep it going we need to speak to them.

    Disagree with comment on raising fees unless it’s based on the class….this will push young adults like myself who are struggling as it is in basically everything right now out, I’m even thinking of leaving the country itself like other young folks because opportunities aren’t great. This is literally the only event I’ve done because others I do in BC are shutting down from failing to get enough visitors in to keep going…artists been losing money at tables.

    1. Good ideas Angela. Some we have already been doing. We started to have a spring show in a mall prior to Covid and once things settle again we will do this again. We also promote the show with booths at Saskatoon Sundog, Gone Wild for Wildlife, The Collectors Show, Sports & Leisure Show, and at the Saskatoon Exhibition. We do have an Instagram account but it is not properly utilized - need a volunteer to organize it. We have been using FaceBook and a blog. We have offered kids free art sessions in a booth at Reflections in the past. Not sure about who we could have do anything like a puppet show; we would focus on art for kids. We do have wildlife visits at Reflections that always get the kids excited. We have done things with the zoo - and hope to network better in the future - just need a volunteer to coordinate that. The Zoo Society has had a booth at Reflections in the past. Not sure what you mean by a "future based theme" ... Again - appreciate your input and will build on your ideas along with what we have been doing for the future.

  3. I would definitely vote for one show on October 21-23/2022 versus another show in February 2022. I would think that the February show would be difficult as you said because of snow and weather variability. Sometimes we have had blizzards in October but the temperature is usually more friendly. I also feel that the committee doing all the work would be burnt out completely if there was a second show( if they aren't already) .
    Also I want to thank the committee that did all of the preparatory work for this years show!!!!

  4. To celebrate our 30th show - could we create a "Memory Lane" with photos of past shows - old guide books and posters - a focus on the founding members and memorials for members who have passed on.
